Legislative Session is Fast Approaching
Take the Poll — Make Your Voice Heard
Dear Reader,
Local Voices United, a non-partisan, Florida-focused group that supports local decision-making, is conducting our annual, informal poll of supporters across the state — and we want to hear from you!
It’s a New Year and a brand new legislature fresh off a historic election season.
Now comes the hard part — governing.
Sunshine State lawmakers are soon slated to travel to Tallahassee for Committee Meetings and the 2023 Legislative Session. As always, we expect a number of hot-button local issues that will require #LocalVoices in our communities to lend their voice to the process, and tell Legislators to support #LocalChoices.
For #LocalVoices supporters, the Legislative Session is the next big thing in Florida to pay attention to.
So, we want to know: do you think the Legislature should strengthen local decision-making this year?