
Non-Partisan. Local Leadership.

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Local Voices United is...

a grassroots network dedicated to supporting local self-government. Here’s why that’s important: Florida is a big, complex and diverse state. Each of its more than 400 communities is unique一so what’s best for Fort Meade isn’t always best for Fort Lauderdale, or vice versa. We believe Florida’s many towns and taxpayers deserve flexibility and accountability, not sledgehammer solutions. The idea is simple: The government that is closest to the people - is most accountable to the people.

From protecting the safety of our neighborhoods to preserving the unique interests of our communities, we are unified, organized and ready to advocate.

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Guiding Principles

Local Works

We believe in an idea that is at the heart of American democracy: local self-government.

We're Respectful

We do not disparage lawmakers or speak disrespectfully toward anyone. Effective persuasion begins with civility and decency.

We're Here to Solve

Our goal is to provide solutions and work together. Taking a stand for your local community isn’t partisan.

We're Experienced

We show up with realistic expectations, knowing that we are in this for the long haul.


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What to Expect:

  • We’ll keep you informed of key legislation that impacts you and your community.
  • We’ll explain local self-government and why it works.
  • We’ll give you the tools needed to express what matters most at home.
  • When the time is right, we will give you clear, simple and easy ways to take action.
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