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2023 Pre-Session Poll
2023 Pre-Session Poll
How much do you know about the Legislative Session?
A lot
A fair amount
A little
Nothing at all
Our system of government is based on “Checks and balances,” with each branch and level of government responsible for different things. Which statement do you most agree with?
The State currently has overreached.
Locals have too much power.
The two are equally balanced.
How important is local decision-making to you?
Very important — government closest to the people is usually most accountable to the people.
Somewhat important — local decision-making matters, but other issues are much more important.
Not Very Important — Local Mayors and City Councils need more oversight from Tallahassee
Not at all important — Local communities should be little more than ‘subdivisions’ of state government.
Which statement comes closer to your opinion?
My local Mayor and City Council know what my community needs better than politicians in a distant capital.
The Governor, Senate President and Speaker of the House should “preempt” local decision-making they don’t agree with.
It would be better if the legislature worked more closely with local leaders to solve local issues.
#5: What would you like to see the legislature focus on?
Choose One:
Property Insurance Rates
Property Taxes
Hurricane Response and Recovery
Local decision-making
Transportation issues
Environmental issues
Other - You tell us:
#5: Select the second item you'd like to see the legislature focus on.
Additional Choice (Optional)
Property Insurance Rates
Property Taxes
Hurricane Response and Recovery
Local decision-making
Transportation issues
Environmental issues
Other - You tell us:
Which statement is closest to your opinion?
Top-down solutions to most issues affecting our communities is usually preferable to local decision-making.
When it comes to local self-government, the Legislature should have a light touch and let local communities lead as much as practical.
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