Your Voice Will Help Protect Your Property Rights

Florida is one vote away from a vacation rental nightmare — but you can make a difference.

HB 1537 is ready for a final vote in the House of Representatives. This bad bill will:

  • Threaten Your Property Rights
  • Degrade Our Neighborhoods
  • Threaten Public Safety
  • Give Tallahassee Bureaucrats More Power

HB 1537 makes it harder for our local communities to hold nuisance short-term vacation rentals accountable and keep our neighborhoods safe.

You can help. Use the form below to tell Tallahassee lawmakers to vote NO on HB 1537.

Vote NO on Vacation Rentals


HB 1537: Vacation Rentals is a threat to Floridians’ property rights, the character of our communities, and public safety.

Please vote NO on HB 1537.


Your Name