Local Voices United Header Image
Elevating Local Voices - From Sidewalks to the State Capitol
Local control. Local decision making. Local self-government. 

Whatever we call it, it means one thing: Local voices, making local choices. 

Local self-government is the idea that our communities should be governed by the people who live in them. If a city, with input from local residents, wants to install a traffic light, or pass local zoning requirements that protect neighborhoods and everyone’s private property rights, it shouldn’t have to ask the Legislature for permission.

A “one-size-fits-all” approach where powerful special interests in Tallahassee seek to centralize control doesn’t work in Florida

Think about Ft. Meade versus Ft. Lauderdale. Or Key West compared to Pensacola. That’s why local decision-making is so important. 

This 45-second video highlights why the best ideas… are local!